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dc.contributor.advisorGargantini, Matteo <1978>
dc.contributor.authorCatalano, Federico <2000>
dc.description.abstractQuesta tesi esplora i meccanismi di crescita e di finanziamento delle start-ups, con particolare attenzione all'Equity Financing. Il lavoro è stato condotto utilizzando un metodo casistico, analizzando le diverse fasi di sviluppo delle start-ups e descrivendo i principali investitori che supportano questi progetti imprenditoriali. Inoltre, vengono presentate alcune delle principali clausole contrattuali utilizzate a livello internazionale per attrarre capitale necessario allo sviluppo dei progetti. È emerso che la complessità organizzativa e strutturale delle start-ups aumenta proporzionalmente con l'incremento degli investimenti e del numero di soggetti coinvolti. I risultati evidenziano dubbi sull'adeguatezza della normativa giuridica italiana rispetto a quella dei paesi anglosassoni, sottolineando la necessità di ulteriori adeguamenti normativi per rendere l'Italia competitiva a livello internazionale nel settore.it_IT
dc.description.abstractThis thesis explores the growth mechanisms and financing strategies of start-ups, with a particular focus on Equity financing. The research was conducted using a case-based method, analyzing the various stages of start-up development and describing the key investors who support these entrepreneurial projects. Additionally, the thesis presents some of the main international contractual clauses used to attract the capital necessary for project development. It was observed that the organizational and structural complexity of start-ups increases proportionally with the rise in investments and the number of stakeholders involved. The findings highlight concerns about the adequacy of the Italian legal framework compared to that of Anglo-Saxon countries, emphasizing the need for further regulatory adjustments to enhance Italy's competitiveness in the international start-up sector. This thesis explores the growth mechanisms and financing strategies of start-ups, with a particular focus on equity financing. The research was conducted using a case study method, analyzing the various stages of start-up development and describing the key investors who support these entrepreneurial projects. Additionally, the thesis presents some of the main international contractual clauses used to attract the capital necessary for project development. It was observed that the organizational and structural complexity of start-ups increases proportionally with the rise in investments and the number of stakeholders involved. The findings highlight concerns about the adequacy of the Italian legal framework compared to that of Anglo-Saxon countries, emphasizing the need for further regulatory adjustments to enhance Italy's competitiveness in the international start-up sector. This thesis explores the growth mechanisms and financing strategies of start-ups, with a particular focus on equity financing. The research was conducted using a case study method, analyzing the various stages of sen_UK
dc.titleLe Start-Ups e il finanziamento tramite Equity:un' analisi casisticait_IT
dc.title.alternativeStart-Ups and Equity financing:a case based analysisen_UK
dc.subject.miurIUS/04 - DIRITTO COMMERCIALE
dc.publisher.nameUniversità degli studi di Genova
dc.description.corsolaurea7995 - GIURISPRUDENZA
dc.description.area1 - GIURISPRUDENZA
dc.description.department100013 - DIPARTIMENTO DI GIURISPRUDENZA

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