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dc.contributor.advisorValenti, Paola <1967>
dc.contributor.advisorLecci, Leo <1966>
dc.contributor.authorMarzullo, Alessia <1997>
dc.description.abstractL'elaborato tratta dell'analisi storico-critica del testo interattivo dell’artista francese Robert Filliou (1926-1987), Teaching and Learning as Performing Arts, riguardante il legame che intercorre tra la didattica e le pratiche performative. Di stampo progressista, il testo veniva pubblicato negli anni Settanta, a ridosso delle incursioni studentesche causate dai tagli drastici che il governo francese aveva apportato alle università. Il testo responsabilizzava le pratiche performative e vi affidava il compito dell’insegnamento. Il contributo di artisti vicini al mondo della didattica presenti nel testo, come Allan Kaprow, Joseph Beuys, John Cage, Dieter Roth e Ben Patterson, favorì la comprensione delle proposte prefissate da Filliou, rivelandone, tramite esperienze professionali, le svariate potenzialità. La visione dell'artista promuoveva un tipo di scambio orizzontale e democratico e pareggiava il ruolo di alunno e insegnante, che idealmente avrebbe avuto il compito di assistere l’allievo nelle sue scelte, senza prevaricarlo. L’analisi, che guarda contemporaneamente al passato e al presente, ha incluso metodologie differenti come la ricerca d’archivio, svolta presso il Museo d’arte Contemporanea di Barcellona, le interviste con esperti dell’ambito fluxus e didattico, come Caterina Gualco e Mauro Panichella, e gli scambi virtuali con Sean Miller, avvenuti tramite posta elettronica, in cui, docente ed artista presso gli Stati Uniti, garantiva i risultati positivi di un approccio paritario. L'elaborato, che si conclude trattando dell’eredità di Robert Filliou, rivolge uno sguardo al contemporaneo e analizza alcune delle esperienze più significative, tra cui workshop, progetti e performance, che perpetuano il concetto dell'Eternal Network, fil rouge del testo analizzato.it_IT
dc.description.abstractThe paper deals with the historical-critical analysis of French artist Robert Filliou's (1926-1987) interactive text, Teaching and Learning as Performing Arts, concerning the link between didactics and performance practices. Of a progressive bent, the text was published in the 1970s, in the wake of the student incursions caused by the drastic cuts the French government had made to universities. The text empowered performative practices and entrusted them with the task of teaching. The contribution of artists close to the world of teaching in the text, such as Allan Kaprow, Joseph Beuys, John Cage, Dieter Roth and Ben Patterson, fostered an understanding of the proposals set out by Filliou, revealing, through professional experience, their varied potential. The artist's vision promoted a type of horizontal and democratic exchange and balanced the roles of pupil and teacher, who ideally would have the task of assisting the pupil in his choices, without overpowering him. The analysis, which looks simultaneously at the past and the present, included different methodologies such as archive research, carried out at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Barcelona, interviews with experts in the fluxus and didactic spheres, such as Caterina Gualco and Mauro Panichella, and virtual exchanges with Sean Miller, which took place via e-mail, in which he, teacher and artist in the United States, guaranteed the positive results of an equal approach. The paper, which concludes by dealing with Robert Filliou's legacy, looks at the contemporary and analyses some of the most significant experiences, including workshops, projects and performances, which perpetuate the concept of the Eternal Network, the thread running through the text analysed.en_UK
dc.titleLa performance come strumento educativo: analisi storico-critica di Teaching and Learning as Performing Arts di Robert Filliou.it_IT
dc.title.alternativePerformance as an educational tool: historical-critical analysis of Robert Filliou's Teaching and Learning as Performing Arts.en_UK
dc.publisher.nameUniversità degli studi di Genova
dc.description.area4 - LETTERE E FILOSOFIA

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